R2PC manages rural transportation planning activities through the State of Michigan’s Small Urban program. The Small Urban program provides federal transportation funds to areas with an urban population between 5,000 and 49,999. R2PC oversees three Small Urban areas; 1] Adrian, 2] Hillsdale-Jonesville, and 3] Tecumseh). Each Small Urban committee is composed of the following members: (1) Representative from the county road commission, (1) representative from the local transit agency, and (1) representative from each city and village within the urban area. For more information, see MDOT’s Small Urban Program website.
Adrian and Tecumseh Small Urbans
Adrian 2020 Urban Population: 29,206
Tecumseh 2020 Urban Population: 13,684
Meeting Packets and Minutes
As of the 2020 US Census, Adrian and Tecumseh are officially two separate urban areas. However, the two committees will normally meet together, with each city only voting on their own projects. All meeting packets and minutes since 2024 are for these jointly held meetings, whereas all prior packets and meetings are for the former Adrian-Tecumseh-Clinton Small Urban.
February 26, 2025 | Packet Minutes
Hillsdale-Jonesville Small Urban
2020 Urban Population: 10,642